Solar Panels

Solar Panels

Did you know that by installing solar panels you can reduce your energy bills by as much as 70-90%? With the winning combination of solar panels combined with battery storage, you can even make the most of your free solar energy throughout the night too!  You may be considering solar panels as your next home improvement, or even standalone battery storage to make the most of your cheap overnight energy tariff.
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Specialising in a range of different products from solar panel manufacturers including lines from GivEnergy, Solax and SolarEdge, you can be confident the best solar equipment on the market is provided with product warranties extending up to as far as 30 years.

MAC Renewables take pride in offering sustainable, cost effective solutions that not only can save you money but are designed to last, so you can make your solar investment with confidence. 

But knowing which is the best fit for you can be a little more challenging, especially when it comes to selecting a solar panel installer. Offering a wide range of options when it comes to making the most of solar power, you can rely on the MAC Renewables team of qualified engineers and specialist advisors to help you select which product or service will best suit your needs. 

With solar panel installation, maintenance and repair services extending throughout the Midlands, MAC Renewables provide solar panel services for domestic and commercial buildings alike.

How do solar panels work?

Solar PV systems supply energy by absorbing the light from the sun and converting it into usable electricity for your home, but how do solar panels achieve this? 

Sunlight can be converted into electricity with solar panels using a process called the solar photovoltaic (PV) effect which can be split into four main stages; 

The solar panel system absorbs sunlight

The surface of solar panels are covered in rows of photovoltaic cells usually made from silicon, these are what capture the electromagnetic photons from sunlight. When sunlight hits the solar panel, these cells absorb the photons along with the energy they contain. 

MAC Renewables

8 Jinko Panels, 3.6Kw GivEnergy Inverter

5.2Kw GivEnergy Battery System from £6997

12 Jinko Panels, 5Kw GivEnergy Inverter

9.5Kw GivEnergy Battery System from £8997

Exclusive Bundle Offer Grab Yours Now for Unbeatable Value!

8 Jinko Panels, 3.6Kw GivEnergy Inverter

For some extra context as to what a solar package can include, if you have a smaller home with medium energy use, you will be looking at a starting price of £6997. A solar panel system of this size includes;

  • 8x Jinko Panels
  • 1x 3.6Kw GivEnergy Inverter
  • 1x 5.2Kw GivEnergy Battery System 

12 Jinko Panels, 5Kw GivEnergy Inverter

Alternatively, if you have a larger home with more substantial energy use, the starting price will be closer to £8997 and this more powerful system will include; 

  • 12x Jinko Panels
  • 1x 5Kw GivEnergy Inverter
  • 1x 9.5Kw GivEnergy Battery System 
Once installed, a solar panel system will immediately begin to provide a return on your investment by reducing the cost of your electricity bill and will pay for itself within approximately 6-14 years. This return on investment will largely depend on whether you have battery storage, your energy use and the efficiency of your solar system. The latter is usually reflected in how well your solar panel system is maintained

Solar Panel Installation

Solar panel installation involves assessing the site, securely mounting panels, connecting them to an inverter, and integrating with the grid or battery storage. Professional installation ensures optimal efficiency and longevity.

Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar panel maintenance includes cleaning, regular inspections for damage, and monitoring performance. Professional services ensure the system functions efficiently, prolonging lifespan and maintaining energy output.

Commercial Solar Panels

Commercial solar panels provide energy for businesses, reducing costs and enhancing sustainability. Installation involves assessing energy needs and space. They offer scalability and significant electricity generation.

Solar Battery Storage

Solar battery storage stores excess energy for later use, ensuring a reliable power supply during low sunlight. It reduces grid dependency and provides backup power, enhancing energy independence and savings.

The cells on the solar panel create an electric field 

The photon energy captured by the cells on the solar panel release electrons from the silicon and these electrons move from the negative side of the panel to the positive side. It is the movement of these electrons that create a DC electrical current. 

The electricity is collected and converted

The current of electricity is captured by conductive metal plates called busbars on the sides of the solar panels and transferred into the wiring of the panel. The electrical current is directed via the wiring to an inverter which converts the DC electricity into usable AC electricity.

The energy is Optimised and used/stored

Once the electrical current is converted to AC, the electricity can be used immediately to power electrical devices or can be stored in specialised batteries for later use. The electricity can even be fed into the electrical grid and sold back to utility companies such as Octopus or British Gas. This usually will result in a credit against your electricity bill.  

The benefits of solar panels in the UK

Solar Panels

The installation of a solar panel system can mark quite a significant investment and with a relatively high installation cost, you may wonder are solar panels are worth it. Thankfully, when solar panels are installed they do come with a wealth of benefits you can enjoy straight away, not just in the long run. By installing solar panels in your home, you can expect; 

Solar Panels can increase your property value from 3-12%

Having solar panels absolutely can increase the value of your home, although it will vary for many reasons ranging from how well-matched your installation is to the needs of the property to even where your property itself is located.
You an expect your energy bills to decrease by as much as 70-90%

You an expect your energy bills to decrease by as much as 70-90%

Having your own supply of electricity means that fluctuating energy prices and the need to change suppliers is no longer a necessity to keep your energy bill as low as possible. Although you will need to remain connected to the grid, especially if you’re looking to sell your excess energy. By installing a solar panel system you can expect your energy to decrease by about 20-50%, but with a solar storage battery you can expect a reduction closer to a whopping 70-90% by using your additional stored energy for use overnight. 

Save around £400-900 on your energy bills every year

Supplementing your electricity supply with a solar panel system could save you as much as £400-£900 on your energy bills every single year. On this basis, depending on the size of your solar panel system and energy consumption you’ll find your solar panels will pay for themselves in around 6-14 years. 
Save around £400 on your energy bills every year
Solar PV panels last for around 25-30 years 

Solar PV panels last for around 25-30 years 

Solar panels are built to last and will be able to efficiently produce electricity for around 25-30 years, although that does not mean they will no longer function after this point. Solar panels will continue to function for as long as 40 years, although their efficiency will eventually start to degrade due to long-term exposure to UV rays from the sun.

You will reduce your carbon footprint at home by up to 70-80% in a year

As using solar energy does not result in any emissions, they produce zero greenhouse gases and do not contribute to global warming. As a result an average UK home can save approximately a tone of carbon per year with a domestic solar panel system, reducing its carbon footprint by around 80%.
You will reduce your carbon footprint at home by up to 70-80% in a year

How much do solar panels cost in 2024?

The cost of a solar panel installation for your home can vary depending on a number of factors including the size of your home and your energy use, although an average solar panel system will cost around £7000.

MAC Renewables offer a range of different options to suit homes of different sizes and energy use with a variety of well-known brands available from GivEnergy to Solax and SolarEdge. These solar systems from can range from around £7000-£11000 and usually will include battery storage too.

How do MAC Renewables install solar panels?

Knowing what a solar panel system includes and how much you can save is extremely useful, although you may wonder how a solar panel system is installed in a home. From the process itself to how long it can take, installation follows 6 key stages over the course of around 1-2 days depending on the solar panel system size. The process begins when; 
How do MAC Renewables install solar panels?​

Scaffolding is assembled 

Before your installation can begin, scaffolding first needs to be set up so the engineers can access your roof to install the panels. This process will usually take around a day or so before everything is ready and in place for the next stage to begin.
Scaffolding is assembled
Attaching the solar panels
Wiring The Solar Panels To The Inverter

Attaching the solar panels

With the mounts forming a frame of aluminium bars that are locked in place with the roof anchors, the next step is to clamp in the solar panels. The panels are put into place and adjusted to ensure they are at the correct angle before they are screwed tightly into place.

Wiring the solar panels to the inverter

The next step is connecting the wiring between the solar panels and the inverter which should be connected in series and in parallel. This is because having your solar panels connected in series generally allows them to generate more energy, but should one panel fail they will all stop producing power unless they are also connected in parallel. The inverter itself can be installed either indoors or outside, but either way connecting your panels to the inverter is a very important step in the process and take several hours to complete.

Roof anchors and roof mounts are fitted 

As the roof anchors are screwed into the rafters of the roof, these form a stable foundation for the mounts designed to support the solar panels. This is so your solar panels are secure and remain stable even in the worst of weather. The mounts are also tilted when they are installed to ensure an optimal angle for the best exposure to sunlight.   

Battery storage is connected to the inverter

If the installation includes battery storage, this is the stage where they are also connected to the inverter. Although this is only possible with a hybrid inverter as they have the built-in battery connections and are the only inverter that supports the option of storing excess solar energy. 
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The solar power system is powered up and tested

With the solar panels and inverter connected, with any battery storage also in place, the next step is to ensure everything is working correctly. The solar panel system is powered on with each of the essential components checked to ensure all are operating correctly before your installation is signed off as complete.

What Our Customers Say

Battery storage boosts your energy bill savings by around 30% 

Whilst you can save up to around 50% on your energy bills by using solar energy, you can improve this saving further by installing battery storage alongside your solar panels. This will not only provide you with a saving closer to 70-90%, you will also find there are other benefits too;

Save 30% on Energy

Use solar energy even after the sun goes down

Solar energy is only available during daylight hours, although with the addition of battery storage, all excess energy generated by your solar panels is stored throughout the day for you to use during the night. This is because when your solar panels actively collect solar energy, your panels will often produce a surplus solar energy which would otherwise be directly exported to the grid. Without battery storage, this process means you should get a discount on your energy bill, although depending on your energy supplier you may find it is better value to store this electricity for your own use as it offers better value than the discount you receive on your bill. 
Use Solar Energy Even After The Sun Goes Down
Solar Panel Efficiency can drop 20-30% without maintenance

Take advantage of low cost electricity tariffs

Battery storage is ideal for storing excess energy produced by your solar panels for use when the sun has set, although they can also be charged by lower cost electricity from the grid too. By charging during off-peak times, you can make the most of low cost electricity tariffs and store reduced cost electricity in your batteries, even without the use of a solar array. 

Power cuts are no longer an issue

With as much as 20% of homes in the UK being affected by yearly power cuts, having a backup source of power can prevent all the inconveniences that come with a power outage to your home. Modern solar panels alone will not provide alternate power in the case of a power cut and will automatically power down, but combined with battery storage your source of electricity will switch to the battery backup and keep your power on. 

Solar Panel Efficiency can drop 20-30% without maintenance

Solar Panels

Solar panels are durable do not require extensive maintenance, but a qualified engineer visiting every 1-2 years to complete inspections and cleaning will improve the long term performance of your solar panels by as much as 30%.

In order to make the most of your investment, particularly with the increasingly unpredictable UK weather, it is advisable to arrange regular maintenance for your solar panel system, just as you would your air conditioning or a gas boiler. A maintenance visit will resolve potential issues before they become a more expensive problem, with the most common including; 

Take Advantage Of Low Cost Electricity Tariffs
  • Birds attempting to nest beneath your solar panels
  • Dirt buildup, damage or misalignment of your solar panels
  • Solar Inverter issues resulting in reduced efficiency
  • Electrical faults such as loose cables or malfunctioning isolators
A MAC Renewables engineer would thoroughly inspect all your electrical hardware and cabling as well as completing electrical testing to ensure all your panels and inverter are performing at peak efficiency. During these checks the engineer will also clear any dirt or debris from your solar panels that would otherwise result in potential damage. 

Harness solar energy and slash your energy bills by up to 90% with a solar panel installation with your local specialists at MAC Renewables today

Solar power is a free source of renewable energy that can not only save you money but compliment your existing heating system and electrical appliances too. With an unbeatable track record for the highest standard in customer service and transparent fixed pricing that includes all equipment and labour, the team at MAC Renewables take pride in being honest and upfront with all quotations and advice we provide on all our solar services.

To discuss your requirements or simply ask a question about solar, MAC Renewables’ knowledgeable team just a phone call away on 0121 730 4800. You can even reach out to the team via WhatsApp on 07561 570 029  or send us a message to [email protected]

Solar Panels FAQs

The number of solar panels you need for your home can vary on many factors including the size and location of your home as well as your energy usage too. Usually, most UK homes need around 4-16 panels, although it should be noted whether you opt for solar battery storage will also have an impact on this too.
Solar panels last around 25 to 30 years as over time their efficiency will gradually decrease due to continuous exposure to UV rays.  Proper maintenance, such as regular cleaning and inspections do help to improve their long term performance by up to 30%.
As a general rule, planning permission is not required for a home solar panel installation, although there are some property types that may require it. These include listed buildings or properties in conservation areas. Flats may also need planning permission depending on who owns the block of flats, where the flat is located and the number/size of solar panels you intend to install. 
Solar panels work exactly the same way all throughout the year and will continue to provide renewable energy throughout winter just as they do in summer. The key difference is the shorter days in winter allowing for less daylight hours to capture sunlight, which means that whilst they still work, they will provide less energy than they do in summer. 
Solar panels or solar cells are primarily made from silicon and account for around 95% of the panels available on the market. This is because they are not only efficient, they also are cheaper to produce and last the longest. 
Solar panels can generate energy even on cloudy days or even when in partial shade, although they do work at their best in direct sunlight. 
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